personal Training


The choice to be healthy starts in the kitchen. What we put in our bodies can fuel, heal and energize us. On the flip side, a poor diet can deplete, damage and exhaust our intricate body systems. The term, “you are what you eat” holds a lot of truth. How we feel, look and function is directly tied to our daily food intake, exercise and sleep routine.

So many factors influence our food choices. Our physiology, mental state, genetics, hormones lifestyle and activity level are just a few. This makes each and every one of us unique. There is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to dieting. What works for one person may or may not work for someone else. We are constantly bombarded with noise from the media glamorizing quick-fix, fad diets that eliminate entire food groups. Although this may be a tempting option, the results are short-lived and disappointing. A failed attempt at a crash diet can lead to anxiety and depression. Learning how to navigate through the noise while improving daily habits will minimize frustration and lead to a much healthier relationship with food.

Angie helps clients find realistic solutions to long-term weight management. She encourages clients to set short term, attainable goals that are both sustainable and rewarding. She educates clients about the importance of a well-rounded, produce rich diet and creates simple behavioral changes that minimize guilt and improve longevity.

You don’t have to be a good cook to eat healthy. Angie believes that everyone can prepare delicious, healthy meals if they learn how to prepare in advance. She offers strategies for easy weeknight meal planning and helps her clients clean-up their food environment. Setting yourself up for success is key!   


If you are interested in mixing-up your fitness routine, prefer working out solo but need direction in a weight room, or need someone to hold you accountable to your workouts personal training is a great option.

Angie works with people of all ages and fitness levels. She creates programs based on her clients’ individual needs, making each 60-minute session fun yet challenging. She incorporates strength, balance, mobility and cardiovascular training into a circuit style format using a variety of different tools and modalities. Every session is different covering the key elements of a functional, whole-body training program.